Thursday, May 6, 2010

My back is...

2 May

I thought the flight over would have been more taxing on my body, leaving SFO at 2100 hours and arriving in Munch 10 hours later wasn't that bad. I was able to sleep off and on during the flight and I could get up and move around once we were at altitude.

Lufthansa had two meals and numerous snacks with drinks throughout the flight. I would say that drinking water is the way to go. Being on a plane for that long really dries one out.

After landing in Germany, there was some walking around and passing through customs before lining up to board the flight from Munich to Vienna. Going through the boarding gate didn't put us on the plane, instead we got on a bus for a short ride out to the middle of the tarmac where we boarded the plane. It was a 50 minute flight into Vienna. Looking out the window of the plane it was interesting to see the country. Varing fields of green and yellow covered much of what we could see. We found out later the yellow crops were sunflower seeds, which are harvested and used for oil.

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