Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring Fashion

Greetings from Bratislava, Slovakia. 2011 begins the year of the rabbit or cat. I have seen some really great looking people while in Bratislava and the surrounding countries we have traveled to. So many in fact that I could probably start a new blog just devoted to fashionable looking people, maybe that will come later.

From the last entry you could tell that it started to warm up around here which got everyone excited about spring, it didn't stay warm. The weather turned back to cold and windy days with the occasional snow or freezing rain flurry. Wednesday was a new experience for Alexandra with frozen rain in the morning. Great for walking in.

Back to the great clothes that people wear. There are some pictures from Austria to start with and the rest are from Slovakia. I've also put some in of me to make it fair.

We were out with a group of friends enjoying some music when we saw a guy with an interesting mustache, look over to the right.

Lucky Pierre. Holding what I thought was a microphone, but there was no singing.

This guy talked at us outside the club before going in and passing out.

As luck would have it right next to where our group was sitting.

Lots of stripes. This place was below street level.

Walking in city center.

Going back to work, not on a Friday.

Time for the early bird special.

Urban camo for shopping.

More to come in the next post. Peace. This was Christmas morning, 2010 in California.

No models were harmed in the making of this blog.

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