Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nashville Pussy in Bratislava

Don't miss this band when they are in your city, Nashville Pussy!

Blaine Cartwright gets the crowd riled up in Bratislava.

Friday night the great southern rock band Nashville Pussy played a show in Bratislava, our current home city. The show was right in our neighborhood at the Randal Club. It was evident talking to the support crew member from Philidelphia that he was happy to be talking to some native english speakers. Alexandra and I had a great time supporting the group from Atlanta, Georgia. Alexandra and the bass player, Karen Cuda, talked after the show. Looking forward to the return of the group when they come through Bratisalva again next year.

Karen Cuda and Blaine Cartwright

Blaine Cartwright and Ruyter Suys

We met a Slovak local who was full of great information about places to see while we are living in Slovakia for the next 16 monthes. She had recently been on a trip to the US, travelling around Florida, surfing and enjoying the beaches. It was funny to see someone so tan in Slovakia during the winter time. Some of the places she told us about were: Chopok jasna, Janosikove diery, and Terchova.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Miss Universe Slovakia

Miss Universe Slovakia pageant will be in Slovakia, 5 March 2011. The winner will represent Slovakia in the Miss Universe 2011 pageant in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

We missed the show on 15 February, but something about the last name of these two tells me we really missed out on something special.

Continuing with the idea from the last post, I have continued collecting images of great looking locals and a couple of cars.

Audi, murdered and in need of a wash in Stare Mesto.

This mens store I just realized was called, Shocker. I see it everytime when at the shopping center, Polus.

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Great shopping at this store?

Snowboard sale, 50% off!

Skinny jeans and tall boots.

I had some pictures taken here for my resident permit. My pictures turned out well.

Teal blue sweater, red leather shirt with fur collar and fur coat.

Stripes and argyle

Formal wear

If you look closely at the pictures of display windows, you can see my reflection.

Smart Car, parked across from Slovenska Technicka Universita v Bratislave.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring Fashion

Greetings from Bratislava, Slovakia. 2011 begins the year of the rabbit or cat. I have seen some really great looking people while in Bratislava and the surrounding countries we have traveled to. So many in fact that I could probably start a new blog just devoted to fashionable looking people, maybe that will come later.

From the last entry you could tell that it started to warm up around here which got everyone excited about spring, it didn't stay warm. The weather turned back to cold and windy days with the occasional snow or freezing rain flurry. Wednesday was a new experience for Alexandra with frozen rain in the morning. Great for walking in.

Back to the great clothes that people wear. There are some pictures from Austria to start with and the rest are from Slovakia. I've also put some in of me to make it fair.

We were out with a group of friends enjoying some music when we saw a guy with an interesting mustache, look over to the right.

Lucky Pierre. Holding what I thought was a microphone, but there was no singing.

This guy talked at us outside the club before going in and passing out.

As luck would have it right next to where our group was sitting.

Lots of stripes. This place was below street level.

Walking in city center.

Going back to work, not on a Friday.

Time for the early bird special.

Urban camo for shopping.

More to come in the next post. Peace. This was Christmas morning, 2010 in California.

No models were harmed in the making of this blog.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Spring Fever

Warm temperatures in Bratislava the past weekend had us thinking about spring. While the weather was so nice we took advantage of it and did some driving in the country.

But first we just walked around our neighbohood on Saturday. This was on the back wall of a good lunch spot, Divny Janko = Crazy Johny.

Nothing like some pizza or doughnuts, we didn't go in so I'm not sure if they had both.

This was Sunday, we stopped because Alexandra saw Montana on the awning.

Our destination, Bojnice Castle.

The weather was so nice even the police were out enjoying it.

Last tour of the day was at 2 o'clock, so we had some time to eat lunch and walk around the town which was below the castle.

Suberbowl Sunday

Inside the inner castle courtyard.

Monday afternoon, back in Bratislava, the weather was even better.

Southside of the River Danube, looking at Stare Mesto, Bratislava. Bratislava Castle on the far left.

Looking east down the River Danube at Stary Most.

Back on the north side of the river, there were two barges full of cars. Cars were parked 5 x 15 on both decks. In the backround you can see Apollo Bridge.