Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rome, March 2012

We took advantage of the fact that our friends Jeff and Christine were touring Europe to meet up with them in Rome, a place neither Eric and I had been before.  We had a packed weekend - Vatican on Saturday, Trevi Fountain, Colusseum and ancient Rome Sunday, Spanish Steps Monday before heading to the airport.  We loved spending time with our friends from California and getting their impressions of Europe.  Rome is beautiful, the food delicious, people friendly and of course the GELATO amazing!  We discovered a fabulous gelateria on the same street as our apartment!

Bangalore, India, March 2012

I went to Bangalore for work for one week in March.  My visa actually came through this time!  It was another close call, barely arriving a week before my intended departure date.  India was not far off from my expectations, reminding me a lot of Vietnam.  I was not shocked by the cows standing on the sidewalk, the horrible traffic, all the people everywhere.  I expected there to be more bikes and less cars (like Vietnam) but that wasn't the case.  The people we met were all fantastic and it is a vegetarian's paradise!  We were spoiled and stayed at one of the most beautiful and peaceful hotels ever - the Oberoi.  The service was ridiculous (in a good way), I could not make eye contact with anyone without them rushing over to see how they could help me.

Ireland, January 2012

As I do every year, I went to Ireland for work in January, upon our return from the US.  We took advantage of the two weeks to explore more of Limerick and the surrounding region, including a quick weekend trip down to Cork.  I say quick because I got a horrible case of food poisoning so we drove back to Limerick, where I spent all day Sunday (and some of Monday and Tuesday) recovering in bed.

Paris, December 2011

This year, we went to Paris on our way back to the US (rather than on the way back to Slovakia).  Another great time with family and new memories for Eric and I: loaded baked potatoes at Versailles, Christie & Thais picking us up (I am so amazed at how adult my little cousin is now, and TALL), finding the egg restaurant (Eric had the egg en coquotte with basil, YUM).

Prague, November 2011

We made our annual pilgrimage to Prague, this time spending the weekend with friends and then I worked from the PwC Prague office on Monday.  Things I loved about this trip: Christmas market in full effect (trdelnik everywhere), fun absinthe bar Phil took us to, Radost veg restaurant, finding the John Lennon Imagine wall.

Salzburg, Austria, November 2011

Taking advantage of a 3-day weekend due to a public holiday in Slovakia, Eric and I headed to Salzburg.  I love the Sound of Music so it was my dream come true to see all the film locations in person!  Besides that, Salzburg is a beautiful city nestled in gorgeous countryside, with wonderfully warm people.  We had the most fantastic weekend.  Thanks to Herbert and his family for the hospitality, including inviting us to their neighborhood Halloween party!

Oktoberfest, October 2011

We decided, somewhat on a whim, to join some friends heading to Munich for Oktoberfest for the weekend.  When I say weekend, I mean leaving Bratislava at 5:30am, heading to Munich for the day, and driving right back (in a hired van).  It was a long and exhausting day but completely worth it!  It was an awesome experience, we'll be back next year!

Cesky Krumlov, September 2011

I got to pick the destination for my birthday weekend so I chose Cesky Krumlov, a beautiful little Czech village.  It really is a jewel of a town, with an adorable historic center and a magical castle on a hill.  We even took a float down the river (although the water was really low so it took nearly all day). 

Krakow, Poland August 2011


Wieliczka Salt Mine
