Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Praha CZ

We spent the weekend and Monday in Prague, Czech Republic. It was a nice train ride from Bratislava to Prague on Saturday morning, a little more than four hours. Travel on the rail system is really enjoyable. You can rest, read, walk around and look at the country as you pass thru it. At about the halfway point the weather cleared up from overcast to clear skies which made for some great scenary.

Prague is further north than Bratislava, so I was expecting it to be colder but it wasn't on Saturday. The city has so much history that one entry couldn't come close to covering it so I'll just put up some pictures. Prague has given the world the following items: beer, sugar cube, microwave oven and the author Kafka. It has one of the largest castle in Europe and it full of tourists. Everyday the Charles Bridge is full of people. The astronomical clock in Old Town Square rates right up there with looking at the Mona Lisa, at least something does happen every hour with the clock as it chimes the hour.

The clock after it has struck the hour, played a song, had the doors open and received an applause from all the tourists.

Tower in Old Town.

Statue depicting Kafka dream.

Prague Castle seen from Charles Bridge.

Looking down on the castle and Prague.

This is the giant metronome, 23 meters tall, that
was constructed on the former site of a monument to Stalin. The metronome counts away time that was lost to communism. While I was here, the metronome actually stopped running. The area behind the metronome is very popular with skateboarders and is often featured in films. During one of Michael Jackson's stays in Prague, he had a 11 meter cardboard standee put up to promote the HIStory tour.

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